COVID-19 Safety

Events in Tasmania are no longer regulated by specific COVID-19 Public Health Guidelines, however, they must still be conducted safely and in accordance with the requirements and recommendations of local government, workplace health and safety regulators, and others.

For the foreseeable future it will be important to act to reduce the chances of COVID-19 spreading at an event.  Accordingly, below are some things to consider with respect to our Event:

  • If you are unwell on the day of the Event, especially if you have cold or flu-like symptoms, please stay home. If unsure, please undertake a Rapid Antigen Test before leaving home. If you become unwell during the Event, withdraw, isolate and await the arrival of the ambulance which will be following each Event.
  • Social distancing is to be practised as far as possible. Most of the assembly areas are spacious, so spread out. Actual start lines will not formally open until approximately 5 minutes before race start to avoid close congregation.
  • While facemasks are no longer mandated at our Event, including on bus transport, please respect those staff, volunteers, participants and spectators that chose to wear them. 
  • Please adopt the hygienic practices that we have all become accustomed to – cough or sneeze into your arm, maintain 1.5m separation, avoid physical contact, no spitting or nasal discharge at any stage. Do not share drinks.
  • Please observe the queuing requirements and the directions of marshals for race number pick up, for toilets and Event-related bus transport.
  • Sanitiser will be available at number pick up, toilet areas and other areas at race starts.
  • Those who are able to are encouraged to pick up their race number from The Running Edge (73 Murray Street, Hobart) in the days leading up to the Event (keep an eye on this website and social media to find to when numbers are ready for collection). This will alleviate congestion at start race starts.
  • At the finish, please keep moving through the finish chute. Medals will be self-collect. Bottled water and fruit will be available at the end of the chute.

If you are unable to attend our Event for any reason, we are happy to transfer your entry to another person as long as we are advised by 4pm on Saturday, 17 May 2025.

Looking for your photos?

you can check them out here

Marathon Photos at City to Casino

Event Sponsors

Without the generous support of these organisations this event would not be possible.
The Mercury - We're for you
The Running Edge support City to Casino fun run and walk
Events Tasmania
Hartz water sponsoring City to Casino fun run
Triple M

Race Directors

Tim Smith 

0417 552 181

Kim Gillard

hello world!

0400 024 937


The Running Edge
73 Murray St

City to Casino Copyright 2025